Tuesday, August 27, 2013


The national animal of Bhutan is the Takin (Burdorcas taxicolor), an extremely rare bovid mammal of the ovine-caprine family. These kind of animals can be only found in the higher altitudes. It is believed that the great master from Tibet, Drukpa Kuenlay (Divine Madman) who came to Bhutan in the 15th century introduced this animal in a body of a cow and the head of a god.

It lives in herds in the steepest and most thickly wooded declivities of native mountains at an altitude of 4,000 metres (over 13,125 feet) and eats bamboo. It can weigh as much as 250 kilograms (550 pounds). In summer, Takins form large herds (up to 300 at a time). They go into cover at midday and come out late in the afternoon. Locally, they are known as Dong Gyem Tsey.

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