Monday, August 26, 2013

Bhutan, a smoke free zone

Crime: Three men, two from Saralpara village of Kokrajhar district, Indian, and one from Ramaytoechu in Dekiling, were detained in Sarpang, Bhutan since August 12, for allegedly smuggling in tobacco products.

Police patrol team apprehended the three men traveling in an Indian taxi with a sack of chewing tobacco and a carton box of bidi at Patabari, Dekiling, Bhutan.
Sarpang police forwarded the case to office of attorney general on August 19.
Police sources say the two men from India, aged 25 and 35, and Dekiling resident, aged 47, would be indicted for possession of tobacco products that was four times the permissible quantity.
Sarpang police said this is the first incident of tobacco smuggling in their jurisdiction this year.

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