Wednesday, September 4, 2013

His Majesty, the king of Bhutan confers Dakyen to the new government

His Majesty, the king of Bhutan confers Dakyen to the new government.

His Majesty the King conferred Dakyen to the Prime Minister and Ministers yesterday in the throne room at Tashichhodzong. This formally marks the beginning of a new government in the People’s Democratic Party (PDP).

The Prime Minister and his Cabinet will now officially take charge of the government.
Lyonchhoen Tshering Tobgay, the new Prime Minister, will take his duty of the state affairs. Lyonchhoen Tshering Tobgay, who is also the president of the PDP, was the former Opposition Leader in the parliament. The Home Minister, Damcho Dorji, served also as opposition member. Prior to Joining politics in 2008, he was the Attorney General.
Dorji Choden, the new Minister of Works and Human Settlement and also the country’s first woman minister, worked with the UN development Program as the Assistant Resident Representative.
The Education Minister, Mingbo Dukpa last served as the Managing Director of BBS before he went on to participate in the 2008 election.
Rinzin Dorji, the Foreign Affairs Minister who comes from Sarpang was former Haa Dzongda before he resigned to join PDP for 2013 election.
Ngeema Sangay Tshempo, who is the minister of Labour and Human Resources worked in the education ministry and in the National Assembly as an interpreter.
Tandin Wangchuk previously worked as a contractor and also as a people’s representative. He will take charge of the Health Ministry as their Minister.
Namgay Dorji, the new finance minister from Trongsa Draagteng-Langthil, earlier contested for PDP in 2008. Previously, he worked with Bhutan Development Finance Corporation.
D.N Dhungyel , who also contested in 2008, is the Minister of Information and Communications. He was an entrepreneur and worked abroad for couple of years.
The Economic Affairs Minister, Norbu Wangchuk, formerly served in the civil service and in private sector. He was also a researcher and consultant before joining the politics last year.
Yeshey Dorji, the Minister of Agriculture and Forests, previously contested in 2008 election with PDP. Prior to that, he worked with the same ministry as Senior Planning Officer and after 2008, he was with the UN.
Following the Dakyen, His Majesty the King granted an audience to the Prime Minister, Cabinet Ministers, and MPs elect of the ruling government.
After the Audience, the members of the new ruling government along with His Majesty the King attended the Jigten Wangchuk prayers, presided by Yangbai Lopen of Zhung Dratshang, at the courtyard of Tashichhodzong.

Falling Rupee’s Impact on Bhutan's Economy

Falling Rupee’s Impact on Bhutan's Economy
The value of Indian Rupees against dollar is expected to further plummet to Rs.70 against one US Dollar. It stood at 66 rupees against one US dollars as of yesterday. Could the decline of Indian Rupees against dollars impact Bhutanese Economy since Bhutanese Ngultrum is pegged with Indian Rupees?
We bring you a full discussion along with Royal Monetary Authority’s Governor, Daw Tenzin, and the Professor of Economics at Royal Thimphu College, Sanjeev Mehta.

Bhutan loses to Afghanistan in SAFF championship

Bhutan loses to Afghanistan in SAFF championship

Bhutan’s national football team who played its first match against Afghanistan in the SAFF championship in Nepal, today, lost by three goals to nil. 
Bhutan along with Afghanistan, the Maldives and Sri Lanka is in group B.
Bhutan’s next match is against the Maldives on Wednesday.
A total of eight teams are participating in the Championship which began on August 31.

A Bhutanese woman was detained at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok

A Bhutanese woman was detained at the Suvarnabhumi Airport in Bangkok for supposedly carrying illegal substance. She was detained on Sunday along with two other Bhutanese nationals by the Thai Authorities, when during a random check, five kilograms of an illegal substance called Ketamine, was found in the suitcase that the three were sharing.
A release from the foreign ministry says the Royal Bhutanese Embassy (RBE) Consular Service immediately sent a Senior Officer to the airport as soon as they came to learn of the incident.
Upon the intervention of the RBE, the Thai Authorities released two of the individuals.
The third individual is currently under custody of the Thai Authorities who informed Bhutanese Embassy that she will have to appear before the court. The date of the court appearance will be announced shortly.
RBE Bangkok will continue to monitor the case and also be present during the court appearance, the press release says.
The individual has claimed that she was not aware that she was carrying an illegal substance as it was given to her by a non-Bhutanese who had claimed it was incense and requested her to take it to Bangkok. He had promised to pay Thai Baht 5,000 for her help.